Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why Do Custom Order/Delivery? Just Open Your Own Shop!!!!

The most important reason why I want to do custom order treats is due to freshness of the product. I am a huge stickler for buying fresh products. When I go shopping I try to get the best I can. When you go to the grocery or to a bakery, do you really know how old the product your getting is, how long has it been on the shelf or in the refridgerated case? Are you spending your good money on bread or cakes that's a few days old because you need to get something? Usually all retail stores stock "first in, first out" when a product comes in its put up front and it stays there until it sells then the fresher products are put behind, so the older products get sold first. I always grab the ones in the back first, being any kind of food product.

Baked goods especially cakes, cupcakes, cookies and brownies need to be enjoyed the day it is made that is when its the most fresh and the most delicious. You should not put baked goods in a ref because it will dry out the bake good. The best thing to do if you do not eat it the same day is to put it in an airtight container for up to 3 days or straight into the freezer. If you put baked goods in the freezer they will keep their moistness when you put them to room temperature before you enjoy them again.

I do want to open my own shop but that's in the future. I want to have a customer base that enjoys my treats first in order to open a shop. To open a shop for my customers, I would bake throughout the day in small batches and still do custom order and delivery. I would also offer specialty soups, sandwiches, burgers, fried chicken, roast chicken and day. But for now, I need to start from the ground up and do just custom order delivery, it ensures that my treats are fresh and made for you.

(the pic is a little doodle I did, we all need a lil love, peace and a cupcake in our lives...)


Sweet P

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